Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All in one week

Well, CJ and I are back from our vacation I posted about! It was really fun and relaxing. We had two whole days in the Dells, to just relax, sightsee and shop. We actually took several times to just go back to the room and relax and veg. That was really nice too. We had a whirlpool in our room that was large enough for us to sit side by side and we brought movies cuz our room had a DVD player (why don't more rooms provide those?) So relaxing! How often as parents of young kids do we just sit back and veg??? My favorite part? Probably the Dells boat tour. We took a 2 hour tour of the Upper Dells and it was really pretty. Plus, we got the best seats in the house, front row of the upper deck of the boat. We ended up getting sprayed a few times but it was worth it. We were able to just sit back and enjoy the ride. (we got some sun too!)

Then after the Dells (I was sad to leave) we went to stay with Josh and Ashley Vance in Minneapolis, MN. We did a lot more shopping and just hanging out. They have two kids, a 10 week old and a 2 year old. Their two year old was out of town for a reunion with the grandparents so it was easy breezy. Don't you sometimes miss those months of just being able to put the kid in a car seat and they go wherever? I forgot how easy a newborn can be compared to a toddler. (at least during the day) We absolutely love Josh and Ashley so it was great to spend so much time with them!

Although it was great to get away, by Saturday night I was so sick to see Dani it was painful. How do people go without seeing their kid for longer than that? I have no idea! I didn't talk to her the whole time cuz I didn't want to upset her, although, I called to check on her at least once a day. But on Sunday about 45 minutes from home I talked to her. I think those 45 minutes were the longest of the whole drive home. She did absolutely wonderfully the whole time! She did ask about us just a few times but was always fine when she was told that we were still on vacation and she could go home when we got home. That seemed to satisfy her totally. I kinda wonder if she missed "her house" more than she missed us! She such a homebody! Oh well, at least SHE doesn't mind if it's always messy lol.

So this week, Sunday was CJ's 33rd birthday and we got home from vacation. Today (Tuesday) is Dani's birthday, Wednesday we're going to the pool to celebrate as a family cuz today is too rainy. Thursday is our 10th anniversary. Saturday we're going to cousin Amos' house because they can't come to the party and then Sunday is her birthday party. We're inviting just family this year for obvious reasons. We've been so crazed! Plus throw in we had a huge garage sale the weekend before we left and we still need to clean up from it and crazed doesn't even describe it!

As crazy last weekend was and as crazy as this week is it's all worth it. I have a great life and a lot of celebrate! Thank you God for your blessings.