Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How rich am I?

I hear people say the generation of teens today are called the generation of Entitlement. They say that with such contempt and pride. I've always kind of rolled my eyes at it.

I DO think that most kids don't realize how good they've got it. But not in the way that most of those quoted above think. Have we ever thought about our lives compared to most of the world? I just got a magazine from World Vision. It shows all the different ways we can help those in 3rd World Countries this Christmas. They had so many things! Animals to buy for families, a Clean Water fund to dig wells, money to help women escape the sexual slave trade and so many more. How many of our kids are aware of how many kids live like this. For that matter, how many adults are aware? Is it really only our children and teens that feel "Entitled" to the life we are priviledged to live?

Back to Reality

Well, vacation is over and life is stressful again. This kinda sucks. Let me back up.

CJ, Dani and I all went on vacation to Minneapolis, MN. We visited Ashley and Joshua Vance who just took their first pastorate position. It was nice to go on vacation, not have to pay for lodging and yet not have to fit in a million people (like when we go to KC). We still were pretty busy seeing everything but we had time to just lounge around and enjoy each other's company too. Minneapolis is a really beautiful city. Just wish we'd have been there a month ago when all the leaves were still on the trees. Oh well, we had record breaking high temps while we were there. Can't get much better than that.

We are back to our regular life here. I worked Tuesday (we got back Monday) and CJ went back to work today. He worked a 13 hour day just trying to get his department back to rights. I hope his bosses noticed how big of a difference it makes when he is gone. His dept was pretty crappy and looks MUCH better now.

Dani is really testing her boundaries since we got back. I don't know why but she's battling like crazy. Her favorite fits are now about getting dressed and bedtime. Plus a lot of little things throughout the day and boy does it add up. I had to stop today and apologize cuz I was being too harsh. I was in a bad mood cuz I was sick of fighting her but at this time I was the one being too demanding and mean. It was heartbreaking to me. I really stopped and looked in her eyes as I was yelling and she was so sad that I was talking to her that way. She looked so confused and upset. I'm tearing up now as I talk about it. I guess I didn't ruin everything cuz once I stopped and took a breath she went straight into my arms and let me apologize. I think this is the first time I've had to do this. At least to this degree. Poor thing.

Life is back to (pretty much) normal. Yipee!