Friday, September 24, 2010

feeling alone

Wow, so much has happened recently, I'm not even sure what exactly I'm going to write in this entry. I've had more drama in my life over the past 2 weeks than I've had in the past 8 years. I'm really hurting right now but I'm praying that my pain won't be wasted. However, I'm not to the point yet that I'm past the hurt and able to see good in it. It's still too fresh.

2 weeks ago I had a horrible day with one of my best friends. Without going into details, I'll just say this. Most of the day we were frustrated with other people. After awhile, the frustration and anger bubbled over on each other. We had our first fight and it was a doozie. Not so much in intensity but it lasted a long time cuz we had a long drive home before it was over (2 hours) and I could drop her off. Having said that, we were able to talk on the way home and even though we were still tense with the stress of the day, I thought things were going to be ok. She hasn't talked to me since. I've sent emails and texts with no response. This was a close friend. So close we called each other sisters. I guess I misread all that, because in my book, you don't just shut out a sister over one stupid fight. Yet even as I'm mad, I miss her.

Then last week, I posted something on facebook about how I saw an example of why I hate war. A former soldier shared with friends for the first time, his struggles. He had been living with guilt for many many years because he had to shoot a man in self defense. He has seen that man's face everyday for close to 40 years and has felt that God could never forgive him for what he did. That is horrible. I DO NOT like war and don't support it. I have strong feelings about this (and some very valid reasons) BUT in my FB post all I said was I saw an example of why I don't support war. The men and women that go, have to live with the consequences of it. Even those that believe in why they're going (and this man did). I hate to see a soul so broken. It breaks my heart. I was simply hurting for him when I posted the status. Well, all hell broke loose and I became the whipping boy for anyone who dislikes those that "don't support the troops." (such an easy accusation to sling at someone) The worse part was it was FAMILY that were "talking" publicly about me on each others walls and status's. I even had one harrass me till I had to block him after I unfriended him due to his (current and past) comments.

These are people who are supposed to love me despite what they might view as flaws. These were cousins and aunts. Women who saw me grow up. They came to my dedication, graduation and wedding. Then my baby showers for Dani and the hospital when she was born. These are people who are supposed to be there for you when the going get rough. They aren't supposed to publicly flog you for something you didn't even say (or mean). They aren't supposed to call you stupid, ignorant, mean, closed minded, and heartless. Those words cut deeply and 6 days later I still cry over it. Yet, only one has even bothered to respond to a letter my brother sent out (privately) asking them to try to understand what I was actually saying. No one seems to care that they hurt me. I have apologized to them for what they thought I said (and what they obviously thought I meant by it) but only one has responded and it was a cousin not one of my aunts.

Why does that bother me so much???? I've been asking myself this question. I guess because my cousins didn't babysit me, they didn't grow up with my wonderful mother who gave birth to me, they didn't watch me grow up like my aunts did, they didn't change my diapers, they didn't hug and kiss me when I was still a toddler, and they didn't calm my fears or wipe my tears as a child. I could go on and on I'm sure. I look at my cousins and they aren't any more mature than I am nor would I expect them to be. But I look at my mom and I see wisdom that only comes with being a "grownup" for longer than me. I know I can still be immature, anyone my age still is. But I guess I expected my aunts to be the voice of reason not add fuel to the fire. I feel they should have known that their words would have consequences. Did they care they were hurting their niece's feelings? You don't live that long and not learn that what you say matters to those you say it about. Did they stop to think that they might be severing ties with someone they've watch grow up for 30 years (and my immediate family)? Did they stop to think at all? It didn't appear to be so from what I could see/read. All the posts sounded the same to me. There was no voice of wisdom coming from anywhere. No rational thoughts that might slow down the mob mentality that was rising to a fever pitch. No one seemed to care that I had feelings too.

I'm hurting. I feel alone, cut off, discarded. I fear the relationships will never be the same.

I am hurting and very few people seem to care.


Elise said...

I'm really sorry Rachel. I saw some of that facebook conversation happening. It is really horrible when you have conflict with family and they don't seem to want to actually get along and have a real discussion about it. Totally doesn't make sense in my head either! My family is going through the same sort of thing with my brother and his wife... we haven't talked to them for months (over petty arguments, mostly) and it really is terrible that someone you love so dearly doesn't seem to care for you as much. (On top of it, Nathan's in Iraq w/ the Air Force and I have no idea how he's doing, or what he's doing, or anything at all.)

I think that you have done what is mature and right by apologizing and trying to start a conversation. You definitely can't make anyone do what they don't want to, and I pray that in time the Lord will convict their hearts about what was said and why it was said. And, if that happens, hopefully they will remember that you did try to communicate about the misunderstanding and resolve things, making it easier to heal and restore relationships when the time comes.

Ultimately though, you were honest with your feelings, which is important to recognize. I know from experience how difficult it is trying to communicate things that God has brought to your attention, and having the words hit deaf ears or seeing hearts be offended is so painful. But I think God is honored when we speak the truth boldly (but also with his leading)- and I don't know if your family members are believers or not but sometimes that seems to be the hardest crowd to discuss things with. It helps me to remember that Jesus also felt forsaken, lonely, and calls us to somewhat of a separate and lonely existence, even saying that to be his disciple, we must hate our own lives and our father and mother... definitely a somewhat bleak outlook to our human, worldly minds. The best thing is that we can take comfort in that He is there for us - He knows our pain and is the best source of comfort and strength we can ask for. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. You're not alone!

Elise said...

I'm really sorry Rachel. I saw some of that facebook conversation happening. It is really horrible when you have conflict with family and they don't seem to want to actually get along and have a real discussion about it. Totally doesn't make sense in my head either! My family is going through the same sort of thing with my brother and his wife... we haven't talked to them for months (over petty arguments, mostly) and it really is terrible that someone you love so dearly doesn't seem to care for you as much. (On top of it, Nathan's in Iraq w/ the Air Force and I have no idea how he's doing, or what he's doing, or anything at all.)

I think that you have done what is mature and right by apologizing and trying to start a conversation. You definitely can't make anyone do what they don't want to, and I pray that in time the Lord will convict their hearts about what was said and why it was said. And, if that happens, hopefully they will remember that you did try to communicate about the misunderstanding and resolve things, making it easier to heal and restore relationships when the time comes.

Elise said...

(continued...) Ultimately though, you were honest with your feelings, which is important to recognize. I know from experience how difficult it is trying to communicate things that God has brought to your attention, and having the words hit deaf ears or seeing hearts be offended is so painful. But I think God is honored when we speak the truth boldly (but also with his leading)- and I don't know if your family members are believers or not but sometimes that seems to be the hardest crowd to discuss things with. It helps me to remember that Jesus also felt forsaken, lonely, and calls us to somewhat of a separate and lonely existence, even saying that to be his disciple, we must hate our own lives and our father and mother... definitely a somewhat bleak outlook to our human, worldly minds. The best thing is that we can take comfort in that He is there for us - He knows our pain and is the best source of comfort and strength we can ask for. I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. You're not alone!

Jessie said...

I'm so sorry all of this has happened, Rachel! I so know how this feels on so many levels. I'd tell you not to worry about what other people think, know that there are people who love and care about you, etc. but I know that none of that will numb or ease the pain. Real encouraging, huh? I just wish there was something I could do because I don't like anyone to feel the kind of pain I can relate to. However, I did enjoy seeing you guys the other day. Perhaps we should do it again soon!! Hey, you and CJ like to play games don't you? Destiny and I love that kind of thing but we can never get people to play, so maybe we should have a game night together. Sending you a big hug, my friend. Love you!

Anieta McCracken said...

Been there, my dear, with friends and inlaws. I've been very fortunate though with my sister, brothers and children so far anyway. I wish I could somehow ease your pain and take away the hurt. All I can say is that things like this show who truly loves you. And while the pruning process is so very painful, what you are left with is true, real and forever. You will end up with nothing but gold when this is over.

emilythesaint? said...

Seems a lot of people have this happen to them. It's unfortunate, but not uncommon if you think for yourself. Thanks again for sharing :)