Monday, September 27, 2010

Heavenly rewards

Growing up, I remember many times hearing people talk about rewards in heaven.  Most of the time, the rewards were "material".  For instance, some would have huge mansions and others shacks.  It never sat well with me but I was young and didn't really think about it much and when I did think about it, I just figured my pastors knew more than me. 

Recently I heard this again.  This time I've studied scriptures for myself and I no longer blindly accept what others tell me.  Instantly I thought about how almost every time Jesus talks about rewards, it's not material.  For instance, the Beatitudes.  Blessed are all these people for...

-theirs is the kingdom of heaven
-they will be comforted
-they will be filled (with righteousness)
-they will be shown mercy
-they will see God
-they will be called sons of God

These are not material rewards.  I would think "rewards" would be the lives you've touched, times God has used you (that will finally be made clear) and the peace you will feel when you see how God used those trials to bring good. 

It seems this is just an extension of the "prosperity" gospel.  When the Bible talks about blessings we immediately think money and that if we have a lack of money, God isn't blessing us.  So if we are storing up rewards in heaven they must be material possessions right?  I don't think so.  What do you think?

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I don't think we will be rewarded materially - what purpose would it serve anyway?! When I think of rewards in heaven I think of the scripture that speaks of receiving crowns and then laying them at Jesus' feet.