Saturday, July 7, 2012


May I just say, bullying sucks.  I was bullied pretty badly as a child and teenager and I still deal with the consequences.  I still hear their voices in my head telling me I'm fat, ugly, stupid, or just not worth common courtesy. 

One thing that I've been thinking about lately is how much life changes after high school.  Whoever said that it's the best years of our lives was delusional.  I see pics/status's on FB and some people have dramatically changed.  I am definitely one that is changing.  One of the main things I was teased about growing up was my weight.  Like, because I was heavy, I didn't have feelings or worth. 
Sometimes, I feel like I want to go to those bullies after I've lost the weight and shove it in their faces but I know that wouldn't do any good.  Most days, I just want an apology.  I want them to admit they were wrong and acknowledge that they hurt me incredibly day in and day out for many years.  I want them to tell me it was wrong and they don't make people feel like that anymore.  Some days I even want to make them feel like I felt but that usually doesn't last long because I know that no one should be made to feel like I did.  No One.  Not even the relentless, cruel bullies that pick on the vulnerable ones.  Those that make others feel absolutely worthless so they can feel a bit better about themselves. 

Bullying is ugly.  I've got more to say about this but not tonight.  We'll see when it comes out again...

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