Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Mommy, Wow! I'm a big kid now"

Do you remember those commercials for pull ups? With the song "I'm a big kid. Look what I can do. I can wear big kid pants too." Well tonight if Dani could form a sentence she'd be singing it. :) Actually, tonight was the first time she peed in the elmo potty chair we bought 6 months ago. She acted very proud of herself but I couldn't quite tell if it was all her or just her reaction to my reaction. I clapped and cheered and we called Daddy and Mimi. I didn't have any candy but CJ's bringing that home from work tonight. M&Ms for Dani, comin' up. Wow, I guess I need to do some research on a method to start potty training. I haven't the slightest clue how to do this. For the next couple days, I'll probably wing it. I've always kinda been that mom that just takes her cues from the kid. I never put her on a schedule (she put herself on one) and I've usually just gone with my gut for most things. It has worked well for Dani. She has never been one that you can push. She does things at her own pace and if you rush her she just digs those heels in and she's staying put. Her slow pace is still faster than staying put!

Other than our excitement tonight. Life has definitely slowed down this week. I've still been busy but it's not that RUSHED kind of busy. Just enough to fill the day. We've been really working on Angel Food stuff this week. We start taking orders really soon and we are still trying to figure this out. I made some big strides this week by actually getting a hold of our contact person and getting some questions answered but we need to go though all the training stuff and figure out how to take orders and place them on the website. That's the next biggie we need to learn.

Tomorrow CJ is OFF!!!! Yeah! Even though he sleeps in in the morning and after that I have to go clean the church but still the whole afternoon and evening will be ours. I'm supposed to go to this ladies thing at church but I really need some CJ time. We tried to find a babysitter so we could have a date but no-can-do. Couldn't find anybody! So it's family night for us. That's still great though. I love watching CJ with Dani and she'll go to bed by 8:30 or so...

Well, I'm off to bed. G' Night all.

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