Friday, September 4, 2009

"mouthpiece of God"???? Really?

I really really really wish people would think about what they say before they say it. And even if they still feel the comment they want to make is the truth, I wish they would think about HOW they should say it before it comes out of their mouth or is typed on to the web.
I was looking at some comments made my my friends on Facebook today (and many days in fact) that are soooo insensitive to others. One wished that people without health insurance would "get off their butts and get a job that offers health insurance" I know this person and he has skills that allows him to get that kind of job. Does he even think about how this might sound to those that don't have that ability?
Also, what bugs me WAY more about this scenario is that he is in a ministry position at a church! Hello!!! We are supposed to be the "mouthpiece of God" Did Jesus talk to those that were struggling like that? Heck NO!!! He treated them with compassion and understanding. He got to know them before he would have ever have had offered any kind of advice and even then it was done in LOVE!! No wonder many theologians refer to this time period the Great Embarrassment for God. He chose to entrust us with his image to convey himself to the world and look how we embarrass him. It's awful.
(By the way, I'm not saying I'm perfect but I AM learning to think before I say these days)


Kimberly said...

Jesus had the benefit had the benefit of being God. He knew the entire story before we did and He still does. It's good to be reminded that we are not God, and don't always know the whole story, or the big picture, and need to choose our words carefully. It's good to tell the truth, but are we saying it in love? Or just to vent or get a rise out of someone?

Kristen said...

Well said! I am also "learning"!