Friday, June 17, 2011

11 Year Anniversary

I was 19.  CJ had just turned 23 four days before.  We were best friends turned friends in love and had spent the last 18 months planning our perfect wedding.  We invited all our friends and family and had 300 guests.  I spent the morning getting ready at the church, along with my mom and bridesmaids.  I was relaxed and confident that the day was going to perfect. It was. 

At 11am, CJ and I saw each other for the first time in the sanctuary as I walked down the isle alone to where he was standing on stage.  I know people were peeking through the windows in the back but it was a private moment between my soon-to-be husband and his bride.  Pictures (millions of them) would start in 15 minutes but we were in our own little world.  I don't remember what we talked about but I remember how ridiculously happy I was the whole time.  Our photographer discreetly took some pictures before she gave us our privacy and both of us are beaming at each other.  My favorite wedding picture is from this time. 

Fast forward through pictures and lunch and it's 2pm--time for the ceremony.  We had tons of music; 5 songs plus the processional and recessional music.  The ceremony was just over an hour but I thought it passed in minutes.  5 songs leave a lot of time to just stand there but those times were my favorite parts of the ceremony.  Of course, I loved to say our vows and hear the words passed down from generation to generation but during the songs we just talked.  People told us later how they thought we'd never shut up!  I didn't care!  We were having a ball!  On our video I love seeing us laugh and joke with each other.  I looked like I slept with a hanger in my mouth my smile was so big, lol.  I DO remember some of what we said, but not most of it.  But again, I remember how ridiculously happy I was through the whole ceremony.  I cried (everybody cried) during my "Daddy" song but never again the ceremony.  (CJ cried more than I did :))  I was too stinkin' happy! 

On June 17, 2000 I married my best friend.  I love him more today, 11 years later.  We've weathered many ups and downs but we've come out on the other side stronger and more committed.  Love you C.  With all my heart.     

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