Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A needed break

Well, it's been a while.  A long while.  But a much needed break.  If you read back a couple entries, you know I had a lot going on in my life.  Lots of drama, and I don't do drama well.  My "blog mind" kinda shut down.  Every time I'd think about blogging I'd clam up so I figured I needed to stop for awhile. 
Lately, I've been wanting to write again, so here I am. 
Life is hectic but full right now.  This week is full of special days.  Saturday was Dani's birthday party, Monday was CJ's birthday, Wednesday is Dani's actual birthday, Friday is our 11th wedding anniversary AND we leave for vacation in TN.  Busy, busy week (we will also celebrate fathers day on the next Sunday).  I'm a little frantic but loving it.  Our good friends Ben and Josie have made it a little easier for me by keeping Dani yesterday night and all day today. I'm actually going to leave as soon as I'm done here to go get her.  CJ and I were able to go out last night to celebrate his 34th birthday and today I worked on laundry and packing for vacation.  So thanks Ben and Josie!!!

Vacation is almost here and we are READY!!! We are going to visit some good friends (that we miss dreadfully) that live outside Nashville.  Daniel and Laura Meadow were our closest friends when we lived in KC.  Then they moved :(  We miss them a lot, did I say that already?  We unfortunately are not as close now as we were then but we know they are there when we need them or vice versa.  They are some of the few people we call when we have a huge problem and luckily we've been able to return the favor a few times.  Love, love, love them!  Can't wait to see them again!

My other good friend, Ashley Vance has moved to Florida.  Stinkin' Florida!  Soooooo far away and I miss her dearly.  I saw her a lot when they lived in MN (she visited a lot) and then she actually lived here in Burlington for 2 months before she moved to FL.  I got spoiled let me tell ya.  I miss her laugh, funny faces and sarcastic, irreverent sense of humor.  I love that girl and hate that I can't jump on a plane this very instant to give her a hug.  I know we will stay close ( I call her all the time :)) but it's just not the same. 

Dani is doing well.  She is finally POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!  I don't know if I blogged previously about the fact that she finally decided it was time or not.  But my little girl finally figured that she wasn't going to fight that battle anymore and she gave in!  Yeah!  I don't miss diapers in the least!  She's going to turn 4 tomorrow and I can't believe it.  AND she's going to start preschool in the fall.  This should not be.  I love her more each day and can't believe my baby is going to be going to school.  She's so cute but sassy.  Her attitude is our battle now.  Not really arrogant or whatever, but just defiant when she doesn't want to do something.  Telling me that she's not going to do something I asked her to do, things like that.  But I guess that's normal.  :)

I have a lot more in my head but they will all take their own blog posts so I'm going to close for now.  Later!

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