Saturday, November 22, 2008

a common cold??

I HATE being sick. Always have but even more so since I've had Dani. Gone are the days when I can simply call in sick and take care of myself till I'm better. I have to either suck it up and get up anyway to care for my little girl who still needs to be fed, diapered, played with and read to, or I have to find a babysitter on short notice. Well, Thursday I simply sucked it up and played with Dani myself. Friday and Saturday (today)that just didn't seem to be an option, I could barely function enough to get up and go to the bathroom but less take care of a lively, busy toddler. Plus, I really didn't want her to get what I had/have. So, God bless 'em, the Eagens have watched her for me the past two days.
She absolutely loves going there! There are 3 kids who just love on, dote on and play with her all day. For a little girl who loves being the center of attention there is nothing better.
So needless to say the past two days have been much more fun for her than for me. I've been so sick with a cold. I can't remember the last time a COLD knocked me out like this. Last night, I went out and bought humidifiers for ours and Dani's bedrooms. They made a decent difference. Dani has been having a cough and been congested too but this morning when she woke up it was all gone. That makes me feel a lot better. I'm hoping it was all just because of dry air and not because she's got the same bug as me. As for me, I did sleep better. I didn't wake up with a mouth full of cotton balls like I have been (since I have to breathe exclusively through my mouth since my nose is so stuffed up) and my nose was actually less congested. I pretty much stayed in my bedroom today reading and napping so I got a lot of benefit from the humidifier. As much as I hated to spend the money (they are expensive! I bought cheap ones last year from Walmart but I threw them out because they made no difference whatsoever), they were worth the investment. Even if just for Dani's sake. She slept through the whole night and woke up completely congestion free and hasn't coughed once. Yeah!
I don't think I'll be making it to church tomorrow. Even if I feel better I don't want to infect everyone. Plus I really need to not push it tomorrow cuz I have to work Monday and Tuesday so I need to conserve my energy to make it through. I'm always exhausted by Wednesday anyway and I've never had to make it through while being sick. I already know the Eagens are going to take Dani Tuesday all day since I work till midnight Monday night and then go in again at 4pm till 10pm Tuesday night. Hopefully I'll get a nap to get me through on Tuesday. If I can just make it through, hopefully I'll be able to take it easy through the rest of the week. My brother and sister-in-law are going to be here (yeah!) but we don't have any big plans so hopefully we'll just sit around and do nothing. That's my kind of vacation!
I'm starting to ramble and it's time for my drugs-I can tell, my nose is getting more stuffy again...

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