Thursday, September 3, 2009


I knew next week was going to be busy but now it's going to be absolutely insane! I should probably tell you that since I blogged last December, I got another job besides Hy-vee. I am now cleaning our church twice a week. It works great with our schedules (I can pick my hours) and the pay is good. Part of this job is I clean up after weddings. So occasionally I have to fit those hours into my week. It's usually a pain cuz of trying to find a babysitter or trying to work it around CJ's schedule but we do ok plus the extra money is nice.

The weekend of Sept 12 and 13, I have TWO weddings to clean up after! One is usually a hassle, but TWO? But "Hey," I told myself, "It's great extra money and I can do this" I decided to ask off from Hy-vee to ease the stress a little (I still work Monday nights there) plus, CJ is off Monday cuz it's Labor Day. So we'd have a fun day together before a really busy week.

One more things, it's Rodeo weekend. So CJ will probably be working more hours and the parade is Saturday. I really want to take Dani to it even though last time some stuff scared her. I really hope she does better this time.

So "Why is it going from busy to insane" you ask? Well, yesterday my boss calls me and asks me to work anyway next week cuz she doesn't have enough help. What? Long story short, if she'd have hired enough help and trained enough people to close, she wouldn't be so short on help. It's a long story... Anyway... also, you must know my boss is not someone you can put in a bind or she will punish you forever for it. So what choice do I have? I grudgingly tell her I can work one night to help her out even though I sooooooo didn't want to. (I was looking forward to being free from that place just one week)

Then today, my boss' boss calls and asks me to work yet ANOTHER night. Basically she says if I don't we have no other options and I need to do it.
Soooo... my week is as follows---

Monday-regularly scheduled church cleaning then closing shift at HV

Tuesday-getting up with Dani in the morning cuz CJ has to work early, then closing shift at HV.

Wednesday-CJ works in the afternoon so I'll see him a little in the morning and then I have worship team practice and a Sunday School board meeting that evening.

Thursday-regular cleaning at the church plus some extra to get things ready for the weddings.

Friday-my one day off, but CJ is working the 8-6 shift so we won't see him all day. That makes Dani anxious and irritable and therefore more challenging. Plus he'll work late with it being Rodeo weekend

Saturday-Rodeo Parade with Dani, then attending a wedding, then cleaning up after the wedding AND reception. (they are having both at the church)

Sunday-worship team and then another wedding to clean up after (they are also having both the ceremony and reception at the church)

I am just so tired thinking about it. When my boss's boss called asking for another day I literally cried. I usually work 10-12 hours a week. Both Hy'vee and church cleaning together. This week I will be working 15 hours at HV alone, plus everything else. I know this doesn't sound like tons to all of you that work full time but remember I'm also a stay at home Mom, I still have Dani to care for.

Side Note- I don't like that term "stay at home mom" like we sit on the couch munching cheetos all day. I prefer "work at home mom" so from now on that's how I'll refer to myself.

I'm tired just thinking about it. Pray for me if you think of me next week.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I feel for you! I was just thinking about my next week myself! You can do, just take one day (or moment) at a time. Sometimes I think I am busier because I "work from home", no we don't sit eating cheetos - we raise the next generation!