Thursday, September 11, 2008


We can all remember where we were 7 years ago today. I can see it like it was yesterday. I will watch coverage today and remember like everyone else in this country.
However, I don't want to mourn, I want to celebrate today! This is the 10 year anniversary of CJ and I finally getting together for the final time. We'd been off and on for 2 years prior but on Sept 11, 1998, he kissed me and I knew this was it, for real.
What was different this time? We had spent the prior 6 months becoming best friends. I was actually seriously dating someone else and I wasn't going to cheat and had no desire to do so. I never thought CJ and I would be more than friends again. However, my relationship fell apart but my friendship with CJ remained strong.
CJ was over watching a movie with me that night (Sept 11) and for some reason he kissed me in the middle of it. It was magical. I felt so connected to him, like I'd never felt connected before. It was right and I knew it. Over the next month we waited. We didn't want to rush anything but by October, we knew this was it! We've never looked back and I've never regretted it. I fell in love with my best friend and there's nothing that compares to that.

1 comment:

la said...

aww, I love that story:) Hope you guys are doing well. Let's chat and catch up soon! love ya!