Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dani and poop

OMG! The most disgusting thing just happened today! I had Dani in time-out in her pack-and-play which happens to be right next to her diaper pail. The pail was full and a diaper must have been sitting on top. Long story short, I got up to get her out and found her sitting with a poopy diaper in her lap. It was everywhere! She'd smashed it in her hands it was on her face and in her hair. It was so nasty. I gasped her name pretty loudly and scared her. So the whole time I'm trying to clean her up she's crying and once tried to put her hand in her mouth. I grabbed it and scared her again so she cried even more. The smell was so gross I about threw up. Of course I gave her a bath right away but I still had to clean up the pack and play which was, of course, covered in poop too. Oh my word, I hope this is the last incident with poop ever, ever, ever!!!!

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silverhartgirl said...
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