Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sometimes I wonder if our social lives will ever be the same. For CJ especially. If there is one thing I regret about our move, it's CJ's lack of friends here. CJ is an extrovert even though he's not really outgoing. Meaning, he gets energy and feels better if he spends time with people. Me, I'm an introvert and do just fine without being around people all the time although I am social and need regular interaction. CJ's best friend Daniel had moved from KC by the time we left but he still had several other close friendships that gave him an outlet outside the home that he needs. He doesn't have that here and it makes me sad. Also, we don't have the close "couple" friends that we had there. We had several couples that we would have over late to play cards, watch movies or just hang out. Most of these couples were close enough that we spent most Thanksgivings and other holidays together.
I miss my close friends Ashley and Rebecca. Both held special places in my life. Ashley was more the "classic" best friend, if there is such a thing. We could talk about anything and did. He knew each other since we were little kids and that history just seemed to make us closer. I am not going to go on and on cuz I don't want to cry so I'll move on. Rebecca was such a different person but in such a remarkable way. She looked at the world from such a point of view that I never did and she helped me when I really needed it. We didn't spend as much time together as Ashley and me but there was something incredibly special about our friendship that I know I'll never find again.
CJ and I both don't make friends easy so this has not been easy. I just hope God has something/someone for us both.

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