Thursday, August 14, 2008

contentment vs. complacency

When does contentment become complacency? I try to be content with what we have even though we barely are making it and some months we don't. I have pursued any jobs that would possibly work with CJ's schedule but nothing has panned out. So I am trusting God to provide money as we need it and he'll bring along the right job when he wants to. (Granted I have to keep my eyes open and pursue it when it comes.) It's just, so far, any job I've pursued, the door has shut in my face. So, I try to be content with what we have and make the budget work even if we cut out a lot. We are not able to make progress on debt like we want to but it's just not possible right now. We barely pay essentials! I want to pay down debt when I finally get a job but until then I am just going to be happy with paying the bills. Is that contentment or complacency?

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