Saturday, August 16, 2008


Tonight I was just sitting here. Thinking about my life since we've moved back to Iowa and I was just overwhelmed with appreciation and love for my husband CJ. So I'm going to brag on him a bit.
He is my hero. He says what he feels, loves those close to him and has complete trust in me. I can be completely open and honest with him and he doesn't judge me or use the info against me ever. In so many ways he's my perfect match. I've realized it more and more since we've moved back here. We've had to depend on each other more since we've left most of our friends and it's been a good thing. We both needed friendship in the worst way over the last few years and God provided them, however, since Dani was born, friendships have changed and taken on a different role in our lives. We are much more focused on our family now.
CJ has gone back to Hy-Vee here in IA and he doesn't have a ton of free time, but he has prioritized really well. He puts his family first and knows how to set limits so we, his girls, don't get jipped of the time we need. He is an incredible father to our little girl! I couldn't ask for a more adoring daddy for her. Her face completely lights up when he gets home for work! She loves him so much and he has earned that love!
As for me and him. I said earlier he is my perfect match... let me clarify that a bit. Our relationship is not perfect. We fight and get incredibly frustrated with each other. We both are yellers and sometimes our fights get loud. However, he is my opposite in all the right ways. He balances me when I need it and reminds me that my way isn't necessarily the right/only way. In fact, most of our similarities are where we get in trouble. We actually wish sometimes we were the opposite of each other in more ways than we already are!
When it boils down to it; he is an amazing man! I am lucky to have married him and I wouldn't have my life with anyone else.

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