Sunday, August 24, 2008

my weekend

The last time I blogged I was feeling rather sick. Well, that lasted far too long but I finally got over it on Friday. So what do I do Saturday? Rest, take it easy??? No way Jose. We decided to go to Coralville and Cedar Rapids and do some shopping. My mom came with us. She ended up buying more than us! It was a long day.
When we finally got to the Coralville mall. We took Dani straight to the kids play area to let her run off some steam after sitting in the car for 1 1/2 hours. She did really well. It was really busy and I ended up wanting to slug some bigger kids who would run right over her and not even stop. I felt like grabbing their arms and dragging them back to make them apologize and help her up. I didn't though. I thought some other mothers might beat me up. :) I think we actually stayed at the playground a little too long cuz Dani was tired by the time we left. We shopped a little at the mall but the main reason we went there was because we have to have our wedding/engagement rings inspected and cleaned every six months to keep up our warranty with Zales. Coralville mall is the closest Zales there is. After the mall we went to Chilli's for lunch. Dani ate so much! I fed her baby food before the meal came cuz she hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was almost 2. Then when we were eating chips and salsa, I gave her Cheerios because when we eat, she cries if we don't feed her too. Then, when the meal came she wanted our food. So we gave her some cheese and chicken and a little bit of steak from my fajita meal. Mom gave her two bites of guachamole too. She loved it!! I couldn't believe how much she ate! More about this later.
Then after lunch, we drove 20 minutes north to Cedar Rapids to go to Sams Club. I had a list and wanted to get in and out in a jiffy. However, Mom and CJ had other ideas. They went down every isle, tried every sample and generally (as my dad likes to say) dilly dallied around. So it was 5:15 before we left Sams!
On the way home, poor Dani had a complete meltdown. She was sick of being in the car but I could tell it was more than that. I think her stomach completely protested all the food and the spiciness of it. The poor thing was completely inconsolable. Even today she's had a horrible time. We finally found some old Mylicon drops from when she was a little baby. They seemed to finally help. (she's also done a lot of farting and burping) I have learned my lesson!
CJ usually works every single Saturday night and I usually have to be at church early every Sunday morning. He actually had that Sat off and this Sun was my one week off in August so we decided to take advantage of all this and have my mom keep Dani overnight. Even though our date didn't get to start until 8, we went out. We went miniature golfing which we haven't done in ages and love to do. I got 3 hole-in-ones! CJ was so jealous! (and I was shocked) Then we went for ice cream instead of dinner cuz we were still full from lunch. It was nice. Plus it was really a rare treat for us both to sleep in and then get ready in 45 minutes. We haven't been able to do that for 14 1/2 months!
This afternoon was nice. We came home from church and I just made chicken salad for lunch and Dani went right down for a nap. We just laid around and watched tv and relaxed. We pretty much did that all afternoon and evening. We did have to deal with a cranky baby when she woke up about 3:30 but we discovered the Mylicon drops and she calmed down.
This week promises to be pretty good. CJ has both Tuesday and Thursday off. I love having him home during the week. So does Dani. Our days are good with just us girls but he makes it great. I know that sounds really cheesy but it's true.

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